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Укол «мадам депо»

Укол «мадам депо» в Симферополе Укол «мадам депо» в Симферополе Укол «мадам депо» в Симферополе 

naujoji vilnia Hohenzollern

Вот что бывает когда здоровому человеку ставят диагноз шизофрении. Вторую группу инвалидности насильственно.
Больница геноцида. Насильственое лечение без суда.

Father with mother with the help of the Lithuanian state crippled daughter in a mental hospital rvpl damage brain by neuroleptic antidepressants doxepin , put to the concentration camp rvpl without a court order forcibly. Before that, the father do domestic violence at his daughter loudly screaming.
A fake diagnosis was made without a medical examination. correspondence treatment. doctors talk only with mother. Aggressive police, brother, his wife. Police want to put in jail for criminals. Started two criminal cases. Police hear with special intelligence services mobile phone and network traffic. Whis Work failed.

г. Симферополь
psichiatrija@rvpl.lt. IBAN: LT244010044100030870 Bankas: DNB bankas, b.k. 40100. Imones kodas: 124247526. PVM kodas: LT242475219.


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